After Consuming Alcohol, How Long Do You Need to Wait Before You Drive?

Drinking and driving is a risky choice for many reasons. In addition to endangering yourself and the others with whom you share the road, you also run the risk of being pulled over and facing charges. DUI laws in Arizona are especially harsh. No other state is as strict when it comes to drinking and driving. Even if it’s your first offense, you’ll have your license suspended for 90 days and spend AT LEAST 24 hours in jail. On top of that, you’ll be required to use an ignition interlock device for a year and undergo alcohol education and treatment.


If you end up being pulled over and arrested for drinking and driving, it’s important that you understand the law and your rights. You must comply if the officer requests your identification, registration and insurance. You’re not, however, legally obligated to answer questions or participate in roadside sobriety tests. You are also not required to submit to a preliminary breath test. If you are arrested, you should take a breath or blood test to avoid the one year suspension of your license for a refusal. It is extremely important that you ask for a lawyer as soon as the officer requests that you step out of your vehicle. Invoke your Miranda Rights and politely refuse to anser any questions.


People process alcohol at different rates, but the general rule of thumb is that one drink takes one hour to go through your system. Other factors, such as gender, body type, and even how much you had to eat that day can play a role as well. One standard drink equates to one beer, one glass of wine, or one shot of hard liquor. Keep your eye on the clock while you drink and try to limit your consumption to one drink per hour to increase your chances of staying safe, should you choose to drive. Friends, cabs, and ride services can help you avoid a potential DUI in the first place. A $50 cab ride is far less costly than a DUI.


If you find yourself dealing with charges related to drinking and driving, time is of the essence. Call Steven D. West at (520) 623-4387. Mr. West is proud to represent his clients and will do everything he can to help you through the proceedings. Visit his website or call his office to schedule a free consultation.

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