How Halloween Pranks Can Escalate to Criminal Charges

If you are more into tricks than treats on Halloween, you may find yourself facing criminal charges for what seemed like an innocent holiday prank. Unfortunately, pranks can get out of hand quickly, and the victims of a Halloween joke may feel inclined to press charges. To protect yourself and your community this October, take […]

When Are You Most Likely to Get Pulled Over for a DUI?

Arizona is famous for its strict DUI laws, which will put first offenders behind bars and require heavy fines as mandatory minimums. If you’re convicted of a DUI, you will also have your license suspended and be required to install an ignition interlock device in your car. On top of these penalties, you may compromise […]

After Consuming Alcohol, How Long Do You Need to Wait Before You Drive?

Drinking and driving is a risky choice for many reasons. In addition to endangering yourself and the others with whom you share the road, you also run the risk of being pulled over and facing charges. DUI laws in Arizona are especially harsh. No other state is as strict when it comes to drinking and […]

Moving Forward After a Criminal Conviction

There are many reasons why it’s stressful and uncomfortable to be charged with a crime, one of which is the implications it has for your future. With the help of a qualified attorney, you can minimize the consequences of a conviction and help to establish a new normal. Keep reading for a look at moving forward after a […]

What Happens When You Test Under the Limit for Alcohol on a DUI Stop?

Although the legal limit for a DUI is .08 percent blood alcohol content, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t run into any trouble if you drive with a slightly lower concentration. People handle alcohol differently, and there are quite a few factors that could impact your level of intoxication. Here’s a look at what happens […]

How a Wide Turn Can Become a Prison Sentence

Traffic stops are one of the most common ways in which ordinary citizens interact with active duty police officers. However, many citizens aren’t aware that while you are pulled over for a traffic stop, the officer can choose to follow up on other suspicions, such as searching your car or checking your immigration status. If […]