How Halloween Pranks Can Escalate to Criminal Charges

If you are more into tricks than treats on Halloween, you may find yourself facing criminal charges for what seemed like an innocent holiday prank. Unfortunately, pranks can get out of hand quickly, and the victims of a Halloween joke may feel inclined to press charges. To protect
yourself and your community this October, take the time to recognize the most common crimes committed on Halloween and educate yourself and/or children about avoiding these activities in their festive jokes and pranks.

Tossing toilet paper on a house or egging a car might seem innocuous, but these actions are considered vandalism, and they may do more damage than intended. Even vandalism that can be easily cleaned up or taken down is still considered vandalism, and the property owner who must clean up the mess may not find the prank so funny.

Swiping pumpkins or bags of candy is one of the most common Halloween thefts, but taking property from another individual, without permission—no matter how low its cash value—is often considered a criminal act.

It might be tempting to scare passersby on Halloween, but it’s important to know when a simple scare looks like assault or intimidation to an unsuspecting individual. To avoid someone feeling threatened enough to call the police, be sure that you quickly identify yourself after that initial fright, and never imply the use of violence or weapons. Though you may know that your intentions are harmless, this may not be clear to someone who is not expecting a scare.

When Halloween fun gets out of hand, talk to an attorney who will protect your rights in the face of any criminal charges. The law offices of Steven D. West can provide comprehensive legal support in Tucson with a wide range of criminal defense services. To schedule a consultation where you can discuss your charges, call us at (520) 623-4387.

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